Saturday, November 15, 2008


I was looking through Carin's and DeDe's blog and noticed they were both tagged to go to their pictures and click on the fourth folder, fourth picture and post it on the blog...I typically don't respond to tag requests so lately I haven't been tagged because many of my blogger friends have given up on me. Tagging is right up there to the Facebook sending "hugs", "Christmas Ornaments", "drinks" etc. I can never figure it out. Even though I wasn't tagged, I was curious to see what was in my fourth file, fourth picture to post and look what I found...Carin and Tiff
Our senior year in high school at Disneyland!
It was Carin's first and so far only trip to Disneyland. The park is closed from 11:00pm-5:00am for only the seniors to attend. Boys had to wear shirt and tie and the girls were required to wear dresses! I wonder if Disneyland still offers that??? My fourth file is labeled "OLD PHOTOS" and the fourth photo was this photo of Carin and I. I must have scanned it LONG time ago...Sorry Carin, we are now labeled "OLD".


dede said...

ha ha - I remember being so jealous (and probably remained so until 3 years ago when I final got to Disneyland myself!!)
Glad you played along - that was fun!

Carin Davis said...

oh my goodness!!!!!!! i was SO surprised to see this!!! that was SO much fun! thank you for including me on your trip to Disneyland! it is still my only trip! i need to go with Danny and the girls and relive the great memories!

i am calling you this week- we NEED to go to lunch! :)

Rachel said...

That's such a cute photo! I loved catching up with your blog. Great pictures of your kids at the Utah game! I'm so happy for you to have that time with them. I always remember Elder Ballard (?) saying that good times as mothers come in "moments" and that we have to look for them. Looks like that was one of your moments! :)

The Fossinators said...

I love the old pic! I remember ya'll when you were in HS.