Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Morning

It was a great holiday!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve

It was our first Christmas home in this house. We had not celebrated Christmas in Utah in over 9 years! It was wonderful to spend the holidays with our children as they are growing up fast!!!

The kids stayed up until 3:00 am and play Monopoly.

We also stayed up and watched "Little Women".

However, we deeply missed my Dad and wished my Mom and brother were with us!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Zoo Lights

After Junior Champs, it was nice to spend some family time and enjoy the holidays!

Taylor, Jordan, Courtney and Jasmine

I just love this man!

Fun Times!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

2011 U.S. Junior Figure Skating Championships

This has been my project for many, many months!

I placed the bid over a year ago and spent the next 12 months planning, organizing, recruiting to welcome over 300 of the top Juvenile and Intermediate figure skaters in the country.

Karen McCauley (SLFS Vice President) and I getting the event ready!

The last day! Bob Weston (SLFS President) and myself during the Awards Ceremony. It was a successful event that involved the entire family. Jason announced, G-MA was the hospitality chair, Jordan skated in the opening ceremony, Tanner and Mo was involved with the Competitor's Party and much much more! It was a rewarding experience!!!

Sunday, December 5, 2010