I can't believe it's been four years. Most of us can look back and recall a day that has changed your life. Our family has faced a few. Four years ago today, Tanner was racing for the Brighton Ski Team and he was training that evening. Taylor also had a season pass and went snowboarding that evening. Jason had just switched employment to Protel and was picking up the boys from the mountain. Usually the boys ride the bus home but that even Jason offered to pick them up at the lodge. When he arrived the boys weren't ready so he decided to take a run down the slopes. It was a clear, crispy cold night. As he snowboard down the mountain, he hit a few ruts and felt his leg break (multiple times). The boys got the message from ski patrol and met Jason at Brighton's medical office. Jason called me in a very calm voice that he couldn't drive home and needed help getting home. I wasn't worried until I saw the ambulance ready to transport Jason. Well, long story short, he broke his leg in over 8 places, had 9 surgeries and a nasty infection that would not leave him alone. Even though our family faced such difficult challenges with his leg, it also brought us incredible opportunities and blessings. Since he spent so many days in the hospital with various surgeries, I would have Jordan skate in SLC. This is where she met her coach. In September the following year with a leg refusing to mend, it forced us to sell our house and move to SLC. We live in a wonderful neighborhood and a kind,loving ward. None of this would have happened if he didn't break his leg. Moving to SLC was the best change for our family. So here is to four years...what an adventure and I look forward to many more. The photos were taken of his last attempt to save his leg. A fixator was placed on his lower leg for 5 months. I have other graphic photos but Jason would not be happy with me if I posted those. THANK YOU to all those who made a difference and got us through a very difficult time in our lives...and Jason thank you for being an amazing person. I can never comprehend the level of pain your experienced.
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