Saturday, January 10, 2009

Red Rocks

Over the past year, Cordero has been willing (with a wonderful positive attitude) to attend the sports activities that our family is so involved in. He has sat through enough baseball games starting with the Bee's and countless East High School games. I know him well enough that I can tell his voice changes when I suggest another game to attend. He is supportive to cheer on his foster siblings and try to understand the sport. He even attended a Utah football game but only lasted till halftime... Cordero has adjusted to our loud family gatherings around the TV to watch football. He is learning more about baseball and football...however, Friday night it was our turn to support Cordero in his love (obsession) with gymnastics! That kid has every routine, scores and stats memorized of most high level gymnasts! His knowledge of this sport is almost scary. Cordero has never attended a meet (I think that is what you call it). Friday was the opening night of the 2009 Utah gymnastic team. I found tickets for Cordero to invite his friends but no one had interest to attend. So Jason, Jordan, Cordero and I caught up with Taylor for dinner then headed to the Huntsman Center. Cordero was so EXCITED!!!

I was impressed with a few things...the atmosphere is what I love about living near the U. Full of red and school spirit. They had cheerleaders, grandpa shouting out cheers, the band, mascot and fireworks. I was impressed with the crowd cheering on UCLA especially when the girls fell. I enjoyed being in a warm building, snacking on kettle corn and watching Cordero light up! Jason's expression was not quite the same but towards the end we both had interest in this sport. Fortunately, it only last for two hours and we stayed for the entire event. Throughout the event, the kids were texting friends and I believe more will join Cordero for the next meet.


Lillian said...

I'm glad you had fun! It's an addictive sport. We'll look for Cordero next time!

Unknown said...

wow! I like gymnastics too! but I havent memorized everything

Drew Natasia said...

Jordan said that she was very confused at some parts. I hope you guys can come to the next meet! I'll be there, that's for sure!