Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Coming Home

Coming home to Utah wasn't as easy as I thought. We have constant reminders that Dad is gone. Monday morning we woke up late and needed to call our carpool. As I was searching for a number in the directory, I found a yellow sticky note from Dad to Taylor inside the directory. Later in the day, I started to unpack and went through my Dad's photos on his camera. I found pictures he took of the kitchen he painted hours before he died. I then received my cell phone bill and noticed the last call I made to Dad. Jordan has been wearing the necklace and charm that my Dad gave her last year. In between sessions, we ran an errand and when she returned someone noticed her necklace was off and the charm was missing. We searched for an hour and could not find it. I fought back the tears because I didn't want Jordan upset, she still needed to skate. So while she was skating, I searched again outside and I had a little conversation with God. I couldn't fall apart over a simple little charm but yet I was determined to find it. Within 15 minutes I noticed something shiny on the ground...I found it!
Yesterday, a good friend gave me great advice. She too has experienced similar pain and she said, "You never get over the pain of losing someone so close to you, you just learn how to live with it. Stop thinking you can get over it, you won't, but you will learn to how to deal with it."
So, we plug along another day. I am just happy Mom is coming next week for Jr. Nationals. Be sure to visit my Dad's website www.homero.us and click on "Contact Us"...it cheers me up!

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