Saturday, April 17, 2010


This summer I will start collecting purple shirts, sweatshirts, blankets and scarfs...It's strange to find any other color except Red and White but this fall, I will be wearing purple! Mo will also be wearing more purple! After he took off his pads, we noticed he was wearing a Utah shirt. My hand is covering the logo...
Mo had his Spring Scrimmage Game at Weber State University. It's a beautiful school nestled along the earthquake fault behind the bleachers in this photo. We just felt a 5.0 earthquake last week. It was centered along that fault line. Jason, Tanner and I drove up to Weber to watch our Mo play and wear PURPLE!
He had a great game! Of course, while I was in the restroom, Mo picked up a fumble and scored a touchdown. I will no longer drink water during the games!!!
Just a beautiful day soaking up the sun and watching one of our favorite boys play ball! Tanner heads to his summer football camp in June while I start working with a new crew of Utah players next month. This fall will be a little busy but oh such a lucky woman to attend so many football games! I love my life...

1 comment:

dede said...

as long as you don't start wearing blue, it's all good! Happy season - can't wait for the updates!