Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter Fun

It was nice to sleep in! The kids received a simple, small basket of MY favorite candy to share with me, lotion, bubbles (bubbles are for all ages) and an Easter Egg with note saying "more to come at the Easter Egg Hunt..."
Jason and I hid 32 eggs, Mo had a difficult time finding THREE! He noticed Jordan had some eggs stashed in her pockets. Mo tried to shake them out!!!
Cute Jasmine loving every minute!

Taylor and Jasmine
Each egg had either a $1.00 or a question to answer. Some questions led to a long discussion!
What is your favorite song? Sing It.
What is your favorite childhood memory?
Who is your hero and Why?
Why do we celebrate Easter?
What is the Atonement?
What is your favorite dance move? Show us.
What are two things you are grateful for?
What is the Resurrection?
What is the Crucifixion?
After they answered the questions, they could pick a gift card from the basket...however the gift card may be for someone else!
It was a fun day to spend with the family. Mo's friend, Chris and Missy also joined us for dinner.


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