Friday, March 7, 2008

Baseball and Mom

Yesterday Mom arrived and we went straight to running errands. The first week of baseball is always expensive because the boys tell me every day something they are missing! Of course the team couldn't keep red socks and red belts for their home and away uniforms. The boys have been playing baseball for over 10 years, we always have belts throughout the house that we have collected but come game day can we find them...NO! So I just added two more belts to our collection that I am sure I will find this weekend. On our way to the sports store, I was then pulled over by the nicest cop in Midvale. He felt so guilty to give me a ticket for my expired registration. Remember the "Mothership" is still in the shop getting an expensive repair in Park City. Meanwhile, I am driving the trooper that we have saved for Taylor. It was considered non operating because no one was driving it. After the "Mothership" needed repairs, I increased the insurance and went to get the car's emissions and safety check for the registration that is only 30 days overdue. It didn't pass the safety check because of a leaky power steering pump. I then called another repair shop to only find out they have to order the part and it can be replaced on Monday. I explained all of this to the officer and showed him my proof but he still gave me the fix it ticket. After a few more stops to purchase more contacts for Tan Man since he ripped the last one that morning, we dropped off the BLACK baseball socks and belts along with contacts to Tanner, picked up Jordan and watched her skate. We came home for 30 minutes and then quickly left to watch the boys play baseball for 3 hours in very cold weather. Taylor was pitching and Tanner played second. It was the JV game and we won! The boys were awesome. Cubby would have loved watching this game and it was perfect having both of them play on the field together. It's been a long time since both boys had an opportunity to play together. Both hit doubles, Taylor pitched 4 innings then made some great plays at first. Despite the cold weather, it was a great game to watch. We came home and I made this interesting Mexican dinner dish in the crock pot that was actually good. I thought it deserved a photo!
Mom and I freezing at the field. When it's a Varsity game the players are required to wear shirt and tie to school! I love it. The boys wear ties at least twice a week and they don't complain. It's sweet to have them wear all the different ties they collected from my Dad.

Tanner and Grandma after the game. Also a lovely photo of my clever dinner!

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