Friday, August 21, 2009


This a more accurate photo of my gallstones! At least this is what it felt like inside me! After months and months of eating no dairy, meats or breads (well just a little) and countless gall bladder attacks, I finally decided to have surgery. Well, I really never had a gall bladder was diseased and it was affecting my liver.

Before Skate Salt Lake, I had an ultrasound that confirmed the stones and the surgeon wanted it out asap (during the week of the competition)...we settled for the Tuesday after the competition, August 18th. Here I am happy...but not for long. That morning tests came back that I had a bladder infection and they needed to cancel the surgery.

After a few tears, (actually I was sobbing), the surgeon agreed it was too risky to wait another week.
It's finally my turn to the operating room.
Still waiting for my turn in the operating room...

I don't remember this photo, but how lucky am I to have my mom around. She extended her trip and is taking care of me!
Did it hurt? YES
I came home that evening and cuddled in my favorite quilt from Kathy...It's my comfort quilt.


dede said...

glad to see you are home! Hope your recovery is speedy and you can enjoy some bread soon!

Cristi said...

hope you feel better! don't know if i could go without bread or dairy!