Saturday, August 29, 2009

Babe Ruth World Series

Ahhh, it's like returning back field, American flags, snowcones, fun music and the game of baseball! Doesn't get any better!!! Jason was invited to announce at the 13 year old Babe Ruth World Series held in Murray, Utah. I remember the days hosting our first Regionals in Utah. Unfortunately, since I had the surgery my time spent at the ball field was limited. Jason was fantastic and had the crowd involved with his wonderful voice and music. He worked many, MANY long hours and had an incredible time!!!

I had a chance to reunite with some very dear and special people! Awesome group of men and women running the Babe Ruth organization. The photo above is Leonard Hammer and I. Leonard is the Regional Commissioner. Grandma and Jordan tagged along to watch over me and enjoy a snowcone! It was a blast to visit with the umpires and reminisce the good old days at Bingham. I treasure these memories and watching my boys play baseball! Jordan loved the dirty field and hanging out at the ball park when she was she doesn't care for the dirt as much but still loves to hang out...I don't think it's because of the snowcones anymore, perhaps all the boys!

1 comment:

Drew Natasia said...

Sounds like fun! Hehe your blog is up in the background of the picture of you and Jason. :D