Thursday, February 24, 2011

Parent Teacher Conference

I have waited 13 years to FINALLY receive the most incredible Parent Teacher Conference concerning Tanner.  (It was worth the wait!)  Tanner has changed so much his senior year.  He is so kind, ambitious and determined to not only become a great man but a great leader.  I appreciated every word from every one of his teachers.  Since he started kindergarten, I dreaded Parent Teacher Conferences with Tan Man.  It was often negative and also entertaining.  Comments I have received from teachers over the years:
"I admire the mother of Tanner King.  He never stops moving!"
"Mrs. King, he is not safe...just last week he stuck his head in the open area of the rolling chair and got it stuck!" (I knew this because the principal had called me!)
"I don't think your son likes me" Tanner's response, "I don't.  You are an awful teacher!"
"How do I keep him still?"
"He makes me nervous."
but for his last Parent Teacher Conference, I was told:
"What a talented young man!"
"Mrs. King, I had him in my class as a freshman and he was a menace...I was so not looking forward to having him again as a senior but to my surprise, he has become my friend and I enjoy our conversations!"
"Tanner is a leader not only to his peers but to the teachers." (Seriously???, even I questioned the teacher if we were talking about the correct student!)
"Tanner has not been easy to have in a class over the years, now I don't want him to leave."
"I am so proud of Tanner."
Yes, today was a very good day for Tan Man's mom!  I will treasure today!

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