Happy Birthday, Jason!!!My favorite times with Jason...
1-Listening to him announce at a baseball games, ice rinks, ski hill or hockey games. I love working at the rink, especially during events and as I am running around, I can hear his voice announcing throughout the facility. It brings me comfort...
2-Attending or watching any kind of sports. We love attending the U of U football games or Bee's baseball games. Even being at home and watching the game is always fun with Jason!
3-Going away to Hawaii last February...oh yes, that was incredible!
4-The evenings he is playing War Games in the livingroom and I am playing Bejeweled in the office. We often shout at each other, "I love you!"
5-TiVo...late at night, he will watch my TiVo shows with me (General Hospital and Oprah!)
6-Friday nights...all the kids are out of the house and it's just Jason and I.
7-All the kids are in the house and watching him cook and chat with them all.
8-Late at night, when everyone is in bed and we talk until the wee hours...
9-When he comes home early, just to be home early.
10-Growing old with him...I can't believe he is 43 years old!!!
Happy Birthday!!!