Tuesday, September 22, 2009


One of the girls I taught in California (Petaluma 1st Ward) was getting married over the weekend. Jason and I attended her reception and had a fantastic time reuniting with some of my favorite people. Karen and I served in Young Womens together and worked for many years with this unique, talented and beautiful group of young women. 15 years later, it's wonderful to hear about their adventures, families and careers. I am so proud of them all! It was fun to watch Rachel have three lovely daughters surround her and witness what an amazing mother she has become.
When my boys were little, they loved Maggie and her brother (along with their awesome two dogs!). I am so fortunate to have those wonderful years with this group of girls. I will always cherish their energy, beautiful voices, camps, activities and all the crazy things we did together. This group of girls experienced all the broken bones with Taylor (and often came to my rescue to babysit while I was at the hospital). Chased Tanner during church and youth activities and followed along with my pregnancy and birth of Jordan. I appreciate Maggie, when she saw me at the wedding, she said I haven't aged and look the same...(She must of been my favorite one!)

1 comment:

Rachel said...

It was so fun to see you too Tiffany! Maggie was right, you haven't changed at all- seriously... I'm not just saying that so I'll be your favorite!