Friday, January 30, 2009


I can think of EVERY reason why my heart aches for my son Taylor...but I won't today.
I can picture EVERY piercing in his nose, lip, ears and other places...but I won't today.
I can tell you the boys you see wearing their baby sisters jeans,
that barely cover their thigh was probably Taylor but who cares today...

Because today I received this in the mail....

Yeap, for a soon to be 18 year old, not having a job, receiving trauncy notices from school, not living at home since May, wearing smaller jeans than Jordan can wear, no drivers license and doing things I don't want to know but do received straight A's and one F! His Advanced Creative Writing class is replacing the Language Arts 12 requirement. Taylor should graduate!

I am enjoying this victory...


Carin Davis said...


dede said...

3.13 is good even when you are at home and wearing loose pants! Good job Taylor!

Anonymous said...

Whoa. That's quite a triumph, indeed. So, when all is said and done, you can pat YOURself on the back -- I'd say that counts for a great success for a parent, as well!

Rachel said...

Yay- that is definitely reason to celebrate!

Cristi said...
